Fridays at 7:30 p.m. Basics of Orthodoxy 200 Weekday Series, Fridays, 7:30 p.m.
Starting November 15, 2024
Taught by Fr. Justin
Basics of Orthodox 201 Introductory Series on "The Church"
November 15 The Utter Centrality of Jesus Christ
Described here by St. Justin Popovich
November 22 Jesus Christ and His Church
Described here by St. Justin Popovich
November 29 The Church and Scripture
Described here in its relation to tradition by Fr. Georges Florovsky
December 13 The Church and Tradition
Described in detail here by Fr. Georges Florovsky: Bible, Church, Tradition: An Eastern Orthodox View
December 20 The Church & Worship
Described here by Fr. Michael Pomozansky and here by Metropolitan Kallistos Ware, with other resources here. How to conduct oneself in church, here.
December 27 The Church and Salvation
Described here by Viktor Klimenko
January 3 The Church and the Councils
Described here by Fr. Georges Florovsky
Fridays at 7:30 p.m. (1930 hours)
Finished October 2024
Taught by Fr. Justin
October 7 Session 1, Faith & Life: How Right Belief and Right Living Are Connected [Read St. Cyril Catechetical Lecture 4]
October 14 Session 2, God’s Plan for Man: In the Image and Likeness of God.
October 21 Session 3, God’s Plan for Man: The Path to the Goal--The Ten Commandments
October 28 Sesssion 4, God's Plan for Man: The Path to the Goal--The Commandments of Christ
November 4 Session 5, Christ’s First Command: Repent! [St. Cyril Catechetical Lectures 1, 2]
November 11 Session 6, The Three Pillars of Christian Life: Prayer, Fasting Almsgiving
November 18 Session 7, When You Fast [Read Bp. Kallistos Ware “The True Nature of Fasting”, “Historical Development of the Great Fast”, and “The Rules of Fasting” pp. 13-37 in The Lenten Triodion]
November 25 Thanksgiving Break
December 2 Session 8, To Whom Do We Prayer?
December 9 Session 9, When You Pray 1: Public, Private, Need for Prayer
December 16 Session 10, When You Pray 2: Why You Need A Rule for Private Prayer
December 23 Session 11, When You Pray 3: How to Develop a Rule of Prayer
December 30 Session 12, When You Pray 4: Materials for Prayer--A Tour of the Books
January 6 Session 13, When You Pray 5: Mechanics: How to Pray with Attention and Feeling. [Read St. Theophan the Recluse, Path of Prayer (on website)]
January 13 Session 14, When You Pray 6: The Jesus Prayer
January 20 No Class: Vigil for St. Maximus
January 27 Session 15 When You Give Alms and Tithe
February 3 Session 16 Nourishing the Soul: How to Read the Bible
February 10 Session 17 Nourishing the Soul: Reading Spiritual Literature

St. Maximus Orthodox Church
2026 West Oak Street
Denton, TX 76201
11Mar6:00 Midnight Office 6:30 Matins
3:00 Vespers, ConfessionWed
12MarSt. Symeon the New Theologian
6:00 Matins, Confession
6:00 Presanctified LiturgyThu
13Mar6:00 Matins, Confession
3:00 Vespers, Confession 7:00 Compline 7:30 Class: Basics of Orthodoxy 3