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Welcome to the choir page at St. Maximus the Confessor Orthodox Church in Denton, Texas. Members of the St. Maximus choir sing at all services throughout a typical week. Choir rehearsals are held Saturdays before Vigil and Sunday mornings before Liturgy.
Since September 2023, the choir at St. Maximus has been under the direction of Katherine Frederick. From the parish's founding in July 2001 through August 2023, the choirs were led by Dn. Anthony Stokes.
The music provided on this page is just a sample of what we sing at St. Maximus. All Liturgy texts are from the Priest's Service Book translated by Archbishop Dmitri. Other texts have been adapted to fit the same style of English. The Obikhod schematics are given in the settings that we sing at St. Maximus. They are not the only way that some of the tones may be sung.
In 2016, our choir released a recording from a concert performance of music from the Paschal season. You can stream the album at the links below, or purchase CDs at the St. Maximus Church Bookstore.
Thank you and God bless!
For more music, visit the DOS Liturgical Music Committee site at
Music for St. Maximus the Confessor
Troparion - Obikhod Tone 3
Kontakion - Serbian Chant Tone 8
2nd Kontakion - Obikhod Tone 6
Magnification - Obikhod
Music for the Divine Liturgy (Translation by Archbishop Dmitri)
The Nicene Creed - Akathist Melody
The Lord's Prayer - Rimsky-Korsakov
Obikhod Schematics (Stichera & Troparia)
Tone 1 Tone 5
Tone 2 Tone 6
Tone 3 Tone 7
Tone 4 Tone 8
Music for the Sunday Octoechos
Tone 1
Lord, I have cried
God is the Lord
Matins Prokeimenon
Tone 2
Lord, I have cried
God is the Lord
Matins Prokeimenon
Tone 3
Lord, I have cried
God is the Lord
Matins Prokeimenon
Liturgy Prokeimenon
Tone 5
Lord, I have cried
God is the Lord
Matins Prokeimenon
Liturgy Prokeimenon
Tone 8
Lord, I have cried
God is the Lord
Matins Prokeimenon
July 5/18 - St. Elizabeth the New Martyr
- Troparion/Obikhod
- Troparion/St. Sergius Chant
- Kontakion/St. Sergius Chant

St. Maximus Orthodox Church
2026 West Oak Street
Denton, TX 76201
11Mar6:00 Midnight Office 6:30 Matins
3:00 Vespers, ConfessionWed
12MarSt. Symeon the New Theologian
6:00 Matins, Confession
6:00 Presanctified LiturgyThu
13Mar6:00 Matins, Confession
3:00 Vespers, Confession 7:00 Compline 7:30 Class: Basics of Orthodoxy 3