Web Links
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Orthodox Links

Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas A list of all canonical Orthodox Jurisdictions, Bishops, Parishes, and Priests in North and South America.

DFW Area Orthodox Churches

Texas Monasteries

Prologue from Ochrid (daily devotional readings)

Prayer Ropes here. http://www.chotki.com


Archbishop Dmitri talks & articles | Audio Books | Basic Beliefs, Catechism | Bible, New Testament, Old Testament | Children: Raising them in Christ | Directory of Churches in America | Economies & Economics | Eschatology, End Times, Rapture | General Orthodox Information | Icons | Jesus Prayer | Media | Men & Orthodoxy | More About St. Maximus | Orthodox Architecture | Orthodox Church in America | Orthodox Monasteries | Other Orthodox Churches in America | Other Orthodox Churches Worldwide | Patriarchates | Priests' Blogs | Science & Techology | Scripture | Solovetsky Monstery, Russia | Spiritual Resources | St. Constantine the Great | St. Justin of Cheliye (Popovich) | Stewardship of God's Creation | Virgin Mary the Theotokos | Virus & Plague

Archbishop Dmitri talks & articles (top)
A Christian Understanding of Freedom
Astrology from a Christian Perspective
Baptism-To Fulfill All Rightouesness
Council of Nicaea A.D. 325
Mary the Theotokos
Meeting of the Lord in the Temple
Missionary Vision
Orthodox Veneration of Mary
Psalm 23 (22) Commentary
Sunday of the Cross
Sundays After Pentecost
The Commandment of Love
The Goal of Great Lent: to See Christ
The Transfiguration of Christ
Thomas Sunday

Audio Books (top)

Basic Beliefs, Catechism (top)
Guide to Orthodox Life, Fr. David Crownie -  
Orthodox Catechism OCF (brief)
The Longer Catechism of St. Philaret - Q & A format, gives Scriptural references.

Bible, New Testament, Old Testament (top)
Galatians Commentary by St. John of Damascus
Who Gave Us the New Testament?

Children: Raising them in Christ (top)
Elder Porphyrios on "The Upbringing of Children"

Directory of Churches in America (top)
Church Directory - Covers all jurisdictions
Eastern Orthodox Websites - Many Orthodox links and parish listings; worth exploring

Economies & Economics (top)
Christianity & the Survival of Creation Wendell Berry
Historical Survey of Usury Laws
Inverting the Economic Order Wendell Berry -

Berry sets economic priorities: nature first, the ecnonmies of land use, then manufacturing, and last consumer economy.

On the Land and the Spirit Wendell Berry
Solzhenitsyn on Self-Limitation, rejection of Consumerism Mahoney
The Holy Earth L. H. Bailey 1916
Through Creation to the Creator Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware)
Two Economies Wendell Berry

Eschatology, End Times, Rapture (top)
Orthodox View of Rapture pt. 1
Orthodox View of Rapture pt. 2

General Orthodox Information (top)
Myriobiblos - Many articles about many aspects of Orthodox Faith and History
Orthodox Church & Bible Study Links - Extensive site with much good information.
Orthodox Information - Also under "spiritual resources". A wealth of material.
Orthodox Wikipedia
Top Orthodox Links - Many links to many Orthodox websites

Icons (top)
Come and See Icons, PA - Children's books, note cards, prayers cards, many icons (some hard to find), supports a street ministry in Philadelphia.
On Adorning the Church with Icons - Why we cover the interior surfaces of the church with icons.

Jesus Prayer (top)
Literature & Prayer Ropes

Media (top)
Live Not By Lies A. Solzhenitsyn
Politics & the English Language George Orwell
Smartphones & Children
Technopoloy, Neil Postman -

Here is a short review. This book is necessary reading.

The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America Daniel Borstein -

This is a short review. Book is in print. Should be read.

Why I'm Not Going to Buy a Computer, Wendell Berry

Men & Orthodoxy (top)
Why Orthodoxy Attracts Men - An incisive article that reveals what it is that Western men find compelling about Orthodox Christianity. Well worth reading and contemplating.

More About St. Maximus (top)
Audio: St. Maximus & Modern Science - The Rev. Dr. Andrew Louth, professor and University of Durham in England, speaks about St. Maximus and modern science.
Intro to St. Maximus, by Allen and Neil - The first 30 pages of their 2002 book.
St. Maximus on the Church - Dragas

Orthodox Architecture (top)
Form & Meaning in Orthodox Church Architecture -

By Andrew Gould, an architect, this is an excellent discussion of the form of traditional Orthodox churches and what that form means. Don't build a church without reading this!

Orthodox Assessment of the Ground Zero Orthodox Church
Photos of Orthodox Archtitecture

Orthodox Church in America (top)
North Texas Orthodox Missions
OCA Diocese of the South
Orthodox Church in America
SS Peter & Paul Orthodox Church, Manville, NJ
St. Seraphim Orthodox Cathedral

Orthodox Monasteries (top)
Decani Monastir, Kosovo -

Lots of information about Orthodoxy in English and many pictures, as well as first-hand information about ongoing persecution of Christians in Kosovo.

Holy Archangels Monastery, Kendalia, TX - The Elder Ephraim of Athos monastery for men in Texas.
St. Anthony's Monastery, Arizona - Information, books, pictures of this Elder Ephraim of Athos monastery.
St. Paraskevi Monastery for Women, Texas

Other Orthodox Churches in America (top)
American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of the USA
Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese in America and Canada
Standing Conference of the Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas (SCOBA)
Ukranian Orthodox Church of the USA

Other Orthodox Churches Worldwide (top)
Church in the Czech Lands and Slovakia
Church of Albania
Church of Finland
Church of Greece
Church of Japan
Church of Poland
Church of Ukraine

Patriarchates (top)
Church of Alexandria
Church of Antioch
Church of Bulgaria
Church of Constantinople
Church of Georgia
Church of Jerusalem
Church of Romania
Church of Russia
Church of Serbia

Priests' Blogs (top)
Glory to God for All Things: Fr. Stephen Freeman's Blog

Science & Techology (top)
A Single Unified Science Philip Sherrard
Case for Ditching Smartphone Dave Strunk
Ignorance & Bliss Mark Lilla
Modern Science & Dehumanization of Man Philip Sherrard
Sacred & Profane Science Rene Guenon
Technological Society Jacques Ellul
The Neon God: Four Questions About AI and Internet, II KIngsnorth
The Universal: Four Questions About AI & Internet, I Kingsnorth

Scripture (top)
Chrysostom of Reading Scripture

Solovetsky Monstery, Russia (top)
Solovetsky Monastery & Islands, General History
Solovki by NY Times Travel - Eleven nice pictures of the Solovki Monastery and Islands.

Spiritual Resources (top)
Anger, How to deal with it
Bulgakov Handbook, Lives of Saints -

Lives of Saints for each day plus other information about the church calendar. Very useful.

Finding One's Calling in Life
Jordanville Prayerbook - The English version of the Jordanville Prayerbook online.
Orthodox Information Center - Articles on every aspect of Orthodox faith and life; a wealth of information
Prayer - A short article on the basics of prayer.
Preparation for Holy Communion -

A detailed statement from the Church of Russia (2015) on the why's and how's of preparation for Holy Communion.

Prologue: Daily Readings -

Short lives of saints, homily, and meditations from St. Nicholai Velimirovich (+1956), biship of Zicha for every day of the year.

Sayings of the Desert Fathers
Secularism & the Church

St. Constantine the Great (top)
The Importance of the Faith of the Emperor Constantine - A thoughtful appraisal of the controversial St. Constantine the Great.

St. Justin of Cheliye (Popovich) (top)
Attributes of the Church - Describes what it is for the Church to be one, holy, catholic, and apostolic.
Homily On the Nativity of Christ
Life and Photos
Lives of the Saints & Other Articles - His famous introduction to his 12-volume work on the Lives of the Saints, which explains the meaning of Saints in the Church.
Short Life
Various Articles by St. Justin - Includes the Pope as the first Protestant

Stewardship of God's Creation (top)
Farmers of 40 Centuries, F. H. King
Homily on Usury, St. Basil the Great
Soil & Health, J. Russell Smitth
The Holy Earth, Bailey

Virgin Mary the Theotokos (top)
The Annunciation, Met Hierotheos Vlachos

Virus & Plague (top)
First Letter of Bishop Siluan of Australia
Pastoral Letter of Bishop Siluan of Australia
The Vaccine Moment: Three Essays by Paul Kingsnorth

St. Maximus Orthodox Church
2026 West Oak Street
Denton, TX 76201

Upcoming Calendar
  • Wed

    St. Symeon the New Theologian
    6:00 Matins, Confession
    6:00 Presanctified Liturgy
  • Thu

    6:00 Matins, Confession
    3:00 Vespers, Confession 7:00 Compline 7:30 Class: Basics of Orthodoxy 3
  • Fri

    6:00 Matins, Confession
    6:00 Presanctified Liturgy

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