Basics of Orthodoxy Classes
The St. Maximus Basics of Orthodoxy (Catechesis) 2022 Classes
The 100-Level Sunday Series, see here. Ongoing
The 200-Level Weekday Series, see here. Ongoing, Fridays at 7:30.
The 300-Level Weekday Series, see here for current schedule.Fridays at 7:30, starting Spring 2023
Sundays at noon, the Sunday Series 100 Level ongoing, taught by Deacon Anthony Stokes
Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. Basics of Orthodoxy 200 or 300 Weekday Series, 7:30 p.m. ongoing, taught by Fr. Justin
For an old Syllabus, please click here: Syllabus2011.pdf
Audio Files of Class Sessions
Introductory Session 1 "The Church" 3 February 2010
Lecture: BasicsIntro1.WMA Handout: Intro1Handout-.pdf
Introductory Session 2 "The Church and Jesus Christ" 10 February 2010
Lecture: BasicsIntro2.WMA Handout: Intro2Handout.pdf
Introductory Session 3 "The Church and the Canon of Scripture" 17 February 2010
Lecture: BasicsIntro3.WMA Handout: Intro3Handout.pdf
Introductory Session 4 "The Church and Holy Scripture 2" 24 February 2010 (discussing inspiration)
Lecture: BasicsIntro4.WMA Handout: Intro4Handout.pdf
Introductory Session 5 "The Church and Holy Tradition" 3 March 2010
Lecture: BasicsIntro5.WMA Handout: Intro5Handout.pdf Handout 2: Fr. George Florovsky: The Function of Tradition in the Early Church FlorovskyFunctionofTradition.pdf
Introductory Session 6 "The Church and the Councils" (The Conciliar Structure of the Church: Bishops, Priests, and Deacons
Lecture: BasicsIntro6.WMA Handout: Intro6handout.pdf
Introductory Session 7 "The Church and Salvation"
Lecture: BasicsIntro7.WMA Handout: Intro7Handout.pdf
Introductory Session 8 "The Church and Her Rational Worship"
Lecture: BasicsIntro8.WMA Handout: Intro8Handout.pdf
Main Session 1 "Faith & Life: The Connection Between What We Believe and How We Live" (2010)
Lecture: 100414Main1.WMA Handout:
Main Session 2 "God's Plan for Man: In the Image and Likeness of God" (2010)
Lecture: 100421Main2.WMA Handout:
Main Session 3: "God's Plan for Man: Life According to the Commandments of Christ" (2010)
Lecture: 100428Main3.WMA Handout:
Main Session 15: Nicene Creed Lecture 3: "One God the Father Almighty" (25 Aug 2010)
Creed3.WMA Handout: Creed3handout.pdf
Main Session 16: Nicene Creed Lecture 4: "The Father" Why God is called "Father" (1 Sept 2010)
Lecture: Creed4.WMA Handout: Creed4handout.pdf
Main Session 17: Nicene Creed Lecture 5: "The Almighty and the Problem of Evil" (15 Sept 2010)
Lecture: Creed5.WMA Handout: Creed5handout.pdf
Main Session 18: Nicene Creed Lecture 6: "Maker of Heaven and Earth" (22 Sept 2010)
Lecture: Creed6.WMA Handout: Creed6handout.pdf
Main Session 19: Nicene Creed Lecture 7: "One Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God" (29 Sept 2010)
Lecture: Creed7.WMA Handout: Creed7handout.pdf
Main Session 20: Nicene Creed Lecture 8: Article 3 "Who For Us Men and For Our Salvation Came Down..."
Lecture: Creed8.WMA Handout:
Main Session 21: Nicene Creed Lecture 9: Article 4 "And Was Crucified for Us..."
Lecture: CreedArt4Crucified.WMA Handout:
Main Session 23: Nicene Creed Lecture 11: Article 6 "And Ascended into Heaven..."
Lecture: CreedArt6Ascension.WMA Handout:
Main Session 24: Nicene Creed, Lecture 12, Article 8: "And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of Life..."
Lecture: CreedArt8Spirit.WMA
Main Session 25: Nicene Creed Lecture 13, Article 9: "One Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church"
Lecture: CreedArt9Church.WMA
Series on the Divine Liturgy
Divine Liturgy 1: Introduction (12 January 2011)
Lecture: Liturgy1.WMA
Divine Liturgy 2: "Blessed is the Kingdom" (19 January 2011)
Lecture: Litrugy2Kingdom.WMA
Divine Liturgy 3: Great Litany part one (23 February 2011)
Lecture: Liturgy3GreatLitany.WMA
Divine Liturgy 4: Great Litany part two (2 March 2011)
Litrugy4.WMA Apologies: the battery of the recorder died near the end.
Lecture: BasicsIntro1.WMA Handout: Intro1Handout-.pdf
Introductory Session 2 "The Church and Jesus Christ" 10 February 2010
Lecture: BasicsIntro2.WMA Handout: Intro2Handout.pdf
Introductory Session 3 "The Church and the Canon of Scripture" 17 February 2010
Lecture: BasicsIntro3.WMA Handout: Intro3Handout.pdf
Introductory Session 4 "The Church and Holy Scripture 2" 24 February 2010 (discussing inspiration)
Lecture: BasicsIntro4.WMA Handout: Intro4Handout.pdf
Introductory Session 5 "The Church and Holy Tradition" 3 March 2010
Lecture: BasicsIntro5.WMA Handout: Intro5Handout.pdf Handout 2: Fr. George Florovsky: The Function of Tradition in the Early Church FlorovskyFunctionofTradition.pdf
Introductory Session 6 "The Church and the Councils" (The Conciliar Structure of the Church: Bishops, Priests, and Deacons
Lecture: BasicsIntro6.WMA Handout: Intro6handout.pdf
Introductory Session 7 "The Church and Salvation"
Lecture: BasicsIntro7.WMA Handout: Intro7Handout.pdf
Introductory Session 8 "The Church and Her Rational Worship"
Lecture: BasicsIntro8.WMA Handout: Intro8Handout.pdf
Main Session 1 "Faith & Life: The Connection Between What We Believe and How We Live" (2010)
Lecture: 100414Main1.WMA Handout:
Main Session 2 "God's Plan for Man: In the Image and Likeness of God" (2010)
Lecture: 100421Main2.WMA Handout:
Main Session 3: "God's Plan for Man: Life According to the Commandments of Christ" (2010)
Lecture: 100428Main3.WMA Handout:
Main Session 15: Nicene Creed Lecture 3: "One God the Father Almighty" (25 Aug 2010)

Main Session 16: Nicene Creed Lecture 4: "The Father" Why God is called "Father" (1 Sept 2010)
Lecture: Creed4.WMA Handout: Creed4handout.pdf
Main Session 17: Nicene Creed Lecture 5: "The Almighty and the Problem of Evil" (15 Sept 2010)
Lecture: Creed5.WMA Handout: Creed5handout.pdf
Main Session 18: Nicene Creed Lecture 6: "Maker of Heaven and Earth" (22 Sept 2010)
Lecture: Creed6.WMA Handout: Creed6handout.pdf
Main Session 19: Nicene Creed Lecture 7: "One Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God" (29 Sept 2010)
Lecture: Creed7.WMA Handout: Creed7handout.pdf
Main Session 20: Nicene Creed Lecture 8: Article 3 "Who For Us Men and For Our Salvation Came Down..."
Lecture: Creed8.WMA Handout:
Main Session 21: Nicene Creed Lecture 9: Article 4 "And Was Crucified for Us..."
Lecture: CreedArt4Crucified.WMA Handout:
Main Session 23: Nicene Creed Lecture 11: Article 6 "And Ascended into Heaven..."
Lecture: CreedArt6Ascension.WMA Handout:
Main Session 24: Nicene Creed, Lecture 12, Article 8: "And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of Life..."
Lecture: CreedArt8Spirit.WMA
Main Session 25: Nicene Creed Lecture 13, Article 9: "One Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church"
Lecture: CreedArt9Church.WMA
Series on the Divine Liturgy
Divine Liturgy 1: Introduction (12 January 2011)
Lecture: Liturgy1.WMA
Divine Liturgy 2: "Blessed is the Kingdom" (19 January 2011)
Lecture: Litrugy2Kingdom.WMA
Divine Liturgy 3: Great Litany part one (23 February 2011)
Lecture: Liturgy3GreatLitany.WMA
Divine Liturgy 4: Great Litany part two (2 March 2011)

Basics of Orthodoxy: Series on the Divine Liturgy
Divine Liturgy 1: Introduction to the Divine Liturgy. It's place in Orthodox worship. Lex ordandi, lex credendi.
Lecture: Liturgy1.WMA January 12, 2011
Lecture: Liturgy1.WMA January 12, 2011

St. Maximus Orthodox Church
2026 West Oak Street
Denton, TX 76201
Upcoming Calendar
11Mar6:00 Midnight Office 6:30 Matins
3:00 Vespers, ConfessionWed
12MarSt. Symeon the New Theologian
6:00 Matins, Confession
6:00 Presanctified LiturgyThu
13Mar6:00 Matins, Confession
3:00 Vespers, Confession 7:00 Compline 7:30 Class: Basics of Orthodoxy 3